I went back & checked the box of GE bulbs that I bought at Lowe's a year ago (and just used up) were made in Hungary. The Westinghouse bulbs I just bought were made in China. I will just have to look around a bit more when I am shopping for other miscellaneous items to learn what I can about manufacturing.
I did a quick web search after my earlier comment and read that no incandescent bulbs are made in the states anymore, only Sylvania LED and compact florescent - which are so ridiculously toxic with mercury they make no sense as more environmentally responsible than incandescent.
We need DJT & his appointees back cutting regulations for us. When we can once again buy decent affordable incandescent light bulbs made in the states at a mom & pop hardware store, we will know that the world is right side up again.
I went back & checked the box of GE bulbs that I bought at Lowe's a year ago (and just used up) were made in Hungary. The Westinghouse bulbs I just bought were made in China. I will just have to look around a bit more when I am shopping for other miscellaneous items to learn what I can about manufacturing.
I did a quick web search after my earlier comment and read that no incandescent bulbs are made in the states anymore, only Sylvania LED and compact florescent - which are so ridiculously toxic with mercury they make no sense as more environmentally responsible than incandescent.
We need DJT & his appointees back cutting regulations for us. When we can once again buy decent affordable incandescent light bulbs made in the states at a mom & pop hardware store, we will know that the world is right side up again.
I just watched Last Man Standing the other day and they were "scoring" some 75w incandescents from a Mom & Pop ;)