Remember last winter/spring an issue with getting “shots in arms” was the vials had to be stored at crazy low temps that regular freezers simply can’t attain?
A student of mine (nursing student) was volunteering at a government run vax site and she told me how she would always have trouble getting the right amount of doses out of the freezer as they had to thaw for 30 minutes and then wouldn’t be good for too long after thawing so if the right amount weren’t ready for the correct amount of people they would be short/have to wait or end up with discards. The freezers and this process were a news item of the time.
The vaxxes are the same, the vials are the same, why can anyone get a Covid jab at any damn pharmacy I saw someone getting one when I was picking up something for my kid and they just pulled it out of a fridge, not even the freezer, no thawing, no waiting, just pull and jab.
So, what about those super special ultra cold freezers?
Did you notice that there seem to be fewer vax deaths when using those initial vials kept at ultra-cold temperatures? They didn't want to wake people up by having the early vaxed getting serious medical problems... so they treated those early vials differently. Now... they don't care. It's all about depopulation in as short of a time as they can manage.
Perhaps the cold killed off whatever microorganisms they placed in the vax. The cold could have altered the effects of the vax, making it somewhat safer. Now, however, they will unleash whatever garbage is in the vax into the recipient's arm... and don't care about consequences.
Maybe they got enough evolution points to start adding in the symptoms after the initial infection numbers got up there. (Pandemic game reference)