They are normalizing the mass murder of White people. This is called "the othering". It's one of the pieces used to get humans to turn on one another.
For instance - the nazi's told all the "good germans" that Jews were carriers of Typhus. That Jews were the source of all of societies ills. And that there is only ONE solution. That is why in a very sick and twisted way when the nazis were telling the Jews to get on the boxcar "for your own safety" - they weren't incorrect. Because technically - for however long said Jews were on the boxcars they were safer than walking down the street in germany.
And since this is going to come up - The bad jews run this planet. the bad jews turned the Good Germans against the Good Jews. bad jews committed genocide against the Good Jews with the help of the 'good germans". 1 - to kill the Good Jews. 2 - to be able to use the holocaust and the term "antisemite" against anyone who criticized that the bad jews ARE perverting and destroying civilization from within.
All with the help of the useful idiots...
Who are now bleating away that White People are to blame for ALL of societies ills. I wonder what their solution to the problem might end up being???
They are normalizing the mass murder of White people. This is called "the othering". It's one of the pieces used to get humans to turn on one another.
For instance - the nazi's told all the "good germans" that Jews were carriers of Typhus. That Jews were the source of all of societies ills. And that there is only ONE solution. That is why in a very sick and twisted way when the nazis were telling the Jews to get on the boxcar "for your own safety" - they weren't incorrect. Because technically - for however long said Jews were on the boxcars they were safer than walking down the street in germany.
And since this is going to come up - The bad jews run this planet. the bad jews turned the Good Germans against the Good Jews. bad jews committed genocide against the Good Jews with the help of the 'good germans". 1 - to kill the Good Jews. 2 - to be able to use the holocaust and the term "antisemite" against anyone who criticized that the bad jews ARE perverting and destroying civilization from within.
All with the help of the useful idiots...
Who are now bleating away that White People are to blame for ALL of societies ills. I wonder what their solution to the problem might end up being???
[where is the 'shrugs' button on this thing?]