So, I'll be becoming a Marine soon. All of these mandates started just recently when my plan was already set in stone. Decided not to go to college BECAUSE I've wanted to take this route for such a long time.
Anyone able to give me any work arounds here?
Back out now to preserve your health. No point in becoming a Marine with myocarditis, strokes, neurological damage, or any of the other horrors the vax is inflicting on so many other healthy young people. And then there are the as-yet unknown long-term effects, which probably won't be any better.
Go back to the recruitment office after Trump returns. I can't believe your sane and principled refusal to join during this dark time would be held against you if Trump is actually involved; it should count strongly in your favor. Yes it's a risk; even with Trump back in the WH it's possible they won't take you for some reason. But at least you'll not have the vax in your system. That shit is being used to destroy America's military and you know it. Don't become one of the victims; we'll need you strong later.
Whatever your decision, best wishes to you.