Oh wow, what a surprise! Double-jabbed Brits suffering 'worst colds ever' could have Covid without realising
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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Wait a minute… if ADE was the goal they really can get support for everlasting “health safety measures.”
It won’t be about covid anymore it will be about every virus, as they now all have a very real ability to easily kill vaccinated people. Shit, what if the government is like, “oops the vaccine was a mistake. But now you really need to isolate because you’ll for real die if you don’t.”
People will have no choice. Unvaccinated will be fine but they can be deemed legitimate spreaders to the vaccinated. Are we gonna end up with two separate societies? One of vaccinated mole people and the other of normal people.
Its basically getting rid of natural immunity so they can put the vaxxed on subscription plan for life. Fauci's life long ambition
Right, but a subscription to what? mRNA will be deemed a failure soon enough. There is no lucrative vaccine or drug to actually stop respiratory virus’.
It’s not like there’s much profit in vitamin d, zinc, etc.
I think this is bigger than profit. I think they actually want to keep people prisoners in their own homes and they can do it if they all have ADE from the vax.
Lots of Amazon users that way
Permanent “Bubble-People”. They will need caregivers. How many unvaxxed will spend their lives caring for permanently disabled? Some, but not most. Others will have to rebuild.
Subscription to boosters - mRNA is an Operating System, they can keep pumping new boosters for whatever strains of flu. And then they will sell "special pill" which would be vitamins and ivermectin.
But honestly, this is really scary. So lets say their ultimate aim was to destroy people's immune systems and put them on boosters. But if boosters dont work, they are pretty much screwed. Its like a population full of AIDs patients. Oh wait, Fauci knows how to make money off that.
Exactly. Boosters don’t work. mRNA doesn’t work. It only makes their AIDS worse.
I keep remembering the line “the end won’t be for everyone.”