The present scientific narrative of the Big Bang Theory is in crisis, and this is relevant to the Great Awakening because it will affect the consciousness of humanity. How we are taught to view the universe matters. When a cosmological theory becomes the prevailing Doctrine of Truth, it shapes the way we think about ourselves, which in turn shapes what are willing to accept as natural and good for society, religion, and government. This has consequences. Throughout history the “official” cosmological model of the time has been the foundational argument people in power use as the ultimate justification of their control. (Research the divine right of kings, and Galileo’s fight with the Catholic Church.)
Today’s official cosmological narrative is no longer supported by observation. It is being challeneged by an increasing flood of irrefutable evidence proving that the theory has to be wrong––not might be, has to be. As methods of observation improve, they keep finding things that are not just problematic, but actually impossible if the Big Bang Theory is the correct model of the history of the universe. Right now we are in the stage of great thinkers trying to save the theory, but the only way to do that is to invent fantastical nonsense to explain the anomalies. It has all been done before, and the outcome is always the same. Fantasy, however brilliant, never survives the truth.
The emerging problem comes from the fact that the Big Bang Theory is based upon the assumption that gravity rules everything from the formation of matter to its distribution in space. Every process is kinetic, with gravity pushing things around to arrange systems of planets and stars. The theory makes predictions about how those things should appear based upon this assumption, but that is not what they see in space. These problems didn’t just arise in last couple of decades. The existence of dark matter was proposed because the kind of rotation they observed in every single galaxy could not happen from their mass if gravity was the only factor driving it. But gravity was the only force they would entertain, so they came up with dark matter (conveniently untestable, unseeable, and unfindable) to fill up the gap for mass and make their dependence upon gravity work. (Research epicycles in ancient Greece.)
The gravity-only Big Bang Theory grew out of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which astro-physicists took and ran with, thinking gravity was the only thing that was important. Post-Einstein cosmologists would consider no other force, and the result was a universe full of isolated bodies that have absolutely no connection other than the ghostly influences of gravity and light. This is the most important point to make about gravity-only cosmology because it impacts how we think about ourselves. If our planet and our solar system are isolated and unconnected to the rest of the universe, then how can our connections with each other have any meaning? Under the zeitgeist of that cosmology, loneliness and isolation are not an aberration, and it becomes easy to lead people to accept being governed by a nanny state that that keeps every aspect of society in balance by decree. Communism is the ultimate expression of this, and it could not have survived without the zeitgeist of isolationist cosmology to justify it.
But all that is changing. It is already abundantly evident that every aspect of the universe is very much connected by a force much stronger than gravity. Everywhere they look they see magnetic fields. These cannot exist by themselves (which some otherwise brilliant people have stupidly proposed). Magnetic fields can only exist where there is a flowing current of charge. In other words, they cannot exist apart from a flow of electricity. This is well-established science, and no one has ever observed anything different––ever. (Even in a bar magnet there is a virtual flowing charge among the atoms in the alignment of their electrons.) Cosmologists are slowly coming to accept that there must be electric charges flowing in the thin plasmas of space, and that single concession makes all the anomalies they observe understandable, and their behavior becomes predictable to a high degree of accuracy.
(Note: A plasma is a gas made of positively-charged atoms and free electrons, and it doesn’t behave like a normal gas. Kinetic models of gas being pushed around by things like explosions or stellar winds do not apply. The electric and magnetic forces make a plasma behave differently, even to the point of the organization and redistribution of matter. Depending of the amount of current flowing, a plasma can shine brightly, glow moderately, or even not shine at all.)
Cosmologists have already conceded that earth and the other planets are connected to the sun by ropes of charged plasma that carry a current, and they were astounded to find evidence that even galaxies and giant galactic clusters are connected in the same way. The huge magnetic fields they are currently observing inside the galaxies themselves means there is a circuit of current flowing within them (which, by the way, fully accounts for their peculiar kind of rotation without the nonsense of dark matter). Do not believe people who say those cosmic magnetic fields are just there, frozen in space from some event in the distant past, because that is literally impossible. (Those people should go take a course in electrical engineering to save themselves from looking like fools.)
The fact that the sun has its own magnetic field means that there has to be electrical current flowing within it, too. The tufts (granules) on its surface are consistent with the kinds of arc discharges that work to regulate a flow of current, and the fact that its atmosphere shoots up to millions of degrees at a great distance from its much cooler surface is completely explained if the phenomenon is electrical in nature. (Any fusion of atoms would be happening there.) I would not be surprised if I wake up one morning to headlines saying they discovered the sun is not the isolated celestial body they thought it was but is connected to a larger galactic circuit by huge currents of electrical charge.
The point of all this is to show that our conceptions about how the universe works are in the process of changing. We have been learning that we are connected to the rest of the universe in a very real way, and it is inevitable that our collective understanding of cosmology will undergo a radical transformation that will greatly impact us all. When the facts of this universal connectedness become accepted as the truth, we will see clearly that we are not alone and adrift in empty space, but it means much more than that. It means that the universe is built to grow from energy that continually organizes fallow matter into form. It means that the universe was not wound up at the beginning and left to run down and die a silent death in the cold. It means that entropy will not rule the flow of time because it will always be overpowered by the organization of matter from the introduction of energy.
That is a much better cosmic vision than one of futility. The dark hopelessness of the Big Bang is being replaced by a vision that will produce a positive zeitgeist in the consciousness of humanity, not only by confirming our intrinsic human connectedness but also in assuring us that we have the real potential to grow and prosper beyond our designated lot. I believe this one factor, more than anything else, will propel billions of hesitant souls over the hump to join the Great Awakening; for the very physics of the universe will confirm to them that their existence isn’t futile. They will realize they are not just living to die when they see that the hope of making a better, happier life full of meaning is approved, and they will never again let someone who "knows better" steal that from them.
Depends on your credit.
Well, that's a wash, then.