Every time we use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries we play the game.
Every time we watch the "news" and get upset with "the left" we aren't just playing the game we are perpetuating the fraud.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
We are all a part of this game. None of the adults on this planet are innocent, and none are separate. We are United as one people (and always have been), just most don't realize it. We are too busy, sitting in the corner, playing the game of Division they told us to play while they sit at the table playing their game of Monopoly.
If Trump didn't lose on Jan. 6th; if the electoral college didn't play out exactly as it did, the GA would have never happened. That event was a victory for We The People. In that light, Rand Paul did what needed to be done to bring about the greatest event in human history.
And you want to condemn him for it.
The only question about that event and RP's part in it is, did he do it knowing the outcome, through white hat coercion, or because he thought it would bring about a DS victory? I don't know, but because it could be any one of those, he, like everyone else that day, gets a pass for that one event.
Does "you" mean me personally, or the collective "we"?
For me personally I am perpetually mindful of the game, and partake as little as possible. I still use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries, but I no longer wear a mask while doing so despite signs on every door saying that masks are "mandated." The one time I was told I must wear one or they wouldn't serve me (Starbucks) I lectured them on the harms of masks, that mandates are dictates by a dictator and not laws (that one shocked the barista a little bit I think), and then walked out.
Then again, I had to take a flight a couple weeks ago and I wore a mask while going through TSA and when boarding the plane, so I am complicit in the fraud. But I didn't wear one the entire rest of the time I was in the airport, despite the constant loudspeaker telling me it was the law (which it might actually be in an airport due to the jurisdiction an airport falls under, more research needed).
So yes and no. I look for every opportunity I can to not play the game, and to show others that the game exists, and they are choosing to play it.
I fear no law. What are you talking about? Are you talking about me complying with the masks while going through the TSA checkpoint?
I didn't want to be denied entry onto the plane. It wasn't a fear, it was a practicality. Sure, I could have fought it, but that was not my hill to die on, so I complied for all of about 3 minutes. As for it possibly being "legal" it might be a legal, since the TSA may have legal jurisdiction over the airport (again, not sure, I'd have to look it up). That doesn't mean I think it is lawful. Obviously its not lawful, its unlawful as fuck, but that was never part of my statement. It might be legal to have to wear masks in an airport. I'm not sure, more research is required (which I don't care to do atm, bigger fish to fry).
It is not legal to have to wear masks in any other place, such as a grocery store, or Starbucks, etc. There is no law there. The jurisdiction for that place is clear, its the state that gives a corporation its power, therefore any mandate by a store that goes against the States laws is illegal. There are no state laws anywhere requiring masks, therefore, in that jurisdiction, there is no law.
Regardless of if there were a law there though, that would only make it legal, not lawful (i.e. it would be against the constitution of both the State and the Country, therefore it would be an unlawful statute).
At no point did I say or imply that I was afraid. I fear nothing. I just recognize which battles to pick as being meaningful. Being stuck a few thousand miles away from home, not working on my larger project, is not the battle I want to have.
Who is playing what game?
Every time we pay our taxes we play the game.
Every time we use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries we play the game.
Every time we watch the "news" and get upset with "the left" we aren't just playing the game we are perpetuating the fraud.
We are all a part of this game. None of the adults on this planet are innocent, and none are separate. We are United as one people (and always have been), just most don't realize it. We are too busy, sitting in the corner, playing the game of Division they told us to play while they sit at the table playing their game of Monopoly.
If Trump didn't lose on Jan. 6th; if the electoral college didn't play out exactly as it did, the GA would have never happened. That event was a victory for We The People. In that light, Rand Paul did what needed to be done to bring about the greatest event in human history.
And you want to condemn him for it.
The only question about that event and RP's part in it is, did he do it knowing the outcome, through white hat coercion, or because he thought it would bring about a DS victory? I don't know, but because it could be any one of those, he, like everyone else that day, gets a pass for that one event.
(He only committed Treason once, he won’t do it again!)
(We’ve only proven Jeffery raped one person, there’s no way he needs to be punished for more than that!)
(Surely this sweet, innocent rabid dog will not bite more than one person!)
You’ve spent lot of effort to justify being wrong.
Nobody gets a pass.
Spot on. NOW that we know, do you still play the game? That's the question.
Does "you" mean me personally, or the collective "we"?
For me personally I am perpetually mindful of the game, and partake as little as possible. I still use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries, but I no longer wear a mask while doing so despite signs on every door saying that masks are "mandated." The one time I was told I must wear one or they wouldn't serve me (Starbucks) I lectured them on the harms of masks, that mandates are dictates by a dictator and not laws (that one shocked the barista a little bit I think), and then walked out.
Then again, I had to take a flight a couple weeks ago and I wore a mask while going through TSA and when boarding the plane, so I am complicit in the fraud. But I didn't wear one the entire rest of the time I was in the airport, despite the constant loudspeaker telling me it was the law (which it might actually be in an airport due to the jurisdiction an airport falls under, more research needed).
So yes and no. I look for every opportunity I can to not play the game, and to show others that the game exists, and they are choosing to play it.
You fear laws made by lawyers who partake in rituals for masons. Still you consent. Go ahead look up your law.
I fear no law. What are you talking about? Are you talking about me complying with the masks while going through the TSA checkpoint?
I didn't want to be denied entry onto the plane. It wasn't a fear, it was a practicality. Sure, I could have fought it, but that was not my hill to die on, so I complied for all of about 3 minutes. As for it possibly being "legal" it might be a legal, since the TSA may have legal jurisdiction over the airport (again, not sure, I'd have to look it up). That doesn't mean I think it is lawful. Obviously its not lawful, its unlawful as fuck, but that was never part of my statement. It might be legal to have to wear masks in an airport. I'm not sure, more research is required (which I don't care to do atm, bigger fish to fry).
It is not legal to have to wear masks in any other place, such as a grocery store, or Starbucks, etc. There is no law there. The jurisdiction for that place is clear, its the state that gives a corporation its power, therefore any mandate by a store that goes against the States laws is illegal. There are no state laws anywhere requiring masks, therefore, in that jurisdiction, there is no law.
Regardless of if there were a law there though, that would only make it legal, not lawful (i.e. it would be against the constitution of both the State and the Country, therefore it would be an unlawful statute).
At no point did I say or imply that I was afraid. I fear nothing. I just recognize which battles to pick as being meaningful. Being stuck a few thousand miles away from home, not working on my larger project, is not the battle I want to have.