From what you stated, you seem to have a psychological issue when it comes to watching videos. I'm giving you permission that you are entirely free not to watch it. I'm sure there are other sources available for the transcript of this short video.
This equates to a 100 second video.... Some might think you are crazy to bitch about a video of that short duration. I think of different words to describe this. This is the end of my discussion with you. I am giving good advice here-- you have my personal recommendation, and I'm speaking for every one here, that you don't have to watch any videos posted on this site. You are free to not click on the link.
From what you stated, you seem to have a psychological issue when it comes to watching videos. I'm giving you permission that you are entirely free not to watch it. I'm sure there are other sources available for the transcript of this short video.
Really. I'm giving you permission not to watch the video. Now, move along. There's nothing more to really say. You are free.
This equates to a 100 second video.... Some might think you are crazy to bitch about a video of that short duration. I think of different words to describe this. This is the end of my discussion with you. I am giving good advice here-- you have my personal recommendation, and I'm speaking for every one here, that you don't have to watch any videos posted on this site. You are free to not click on the link.