The gang problem is a side effect of prohibition. They exist because of the black markets that rise from prohibition. Even Mexican cartels have said they only thing that allows them to exist is Americas drug policies. If we decriminalized they would disappear practically overnight.
I have lived in areas with large homeless populations. Much of that is people with mental issues that we no longer help as a society. Reagan did that in the 80's. He defunded all the asylums and there was nowhere for those people to go. Drug abuse comes along with that territory. That isn't an excuse but we as a people should be caring for our sick. We don't and that is a reflection of us. At least in the United States anyways.
Drug and alcohol abuse is going to exist no matter what. We should treat it as a sickness and not a criminal act.
The gang problem is a side effect of prohibition. They exist because of the black markets that rise from prohibition. Even Mexican cartels have said they only thing that allows them to exist is Americas drug policies. If we decriminalized they would disappear practically overnight.
I have lived in areas with large homeless populations. Much of that is people with mental issues that we no longer help as a society. Reagan did that in the 80's. He defunded all the asylums and there was nowhere for those people to go. Drug abuse comes along with that territory. That isn't an excuse but we as a people should be caring for our sick. We don't and that is a reflection of us. At least in the United States anyways.
Drug and alcohol abuse is going to exist no matter what. We should treat it as a sickness and not a criminal act.
I agree 100% on the use of tax dollars. It should all be handled privately.