The EMS service is about to collapse due to the vax mandate and their refusal to comply.
The ATC network is slowing being crippled by the sickouts being staged and their refusal to comply.
Southwestern is hemorrhaging capital because pilots refuse to comply.
The parents aint easing pressure on school boards and doubled down after being called domestic terrorists. They refused to comply.
The military faces a crisis as a huge volume of servicemen and women refuse to comply with the vax.
Paris was shut down today because the people refuse to comply.
The media has to lie or ignore all this because too many of us refuse to comply.
They think people only care about their jobs and maintaining the status quo, while failing to realise how much we the people hate the current status quo and refuse to comply.
We control the supply chain. We control the travel systems. We control the emergency response services. We control it all. We the people are what makes it work. If we refuse to comply, they cannot arrest everyone. Government only works when the people consent to be governed.
Four little words is all it takes to crush this mess: I WILL NOT COMPLY. They cannot run the country if we do not consent to their rule. This is how we all can fight back. This is how we win.
NCSWIC frens, so long as you refuse to comply together. So if your company puts a vax mandate in place, go off sick for a couple weeks, along with anyone else unvaxxed. It is time to see if the companies are willing to play the most dangerous game of chicken ever witnessed on earth.
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