So I ordered Ivermectin and HCQ from India. The price is crushingly expensive here in the states for Ivermectin now. For a man of my "magnitude" it costs $200 for about 10 weeks of preventative pills. This place in India sold me 100 12mg pills of Ivermectin (enough for 100 weeks use) and 90 200mg of HCQ for $160 all in. Took close to 4 weeks but the stuff is all legit and sealed and labeled. Guy also has Z packs and some other stuff that's useful. If you're trying to do preventative or want some on hand for an emergency check him out.
I live in King Phil's land (NJ) and the chain Pharmacies here literally stopped buying Ivermectin so you can't get it filled even if you have a script. Mother F*****'s are trying to kill people. I was stuck getting stuff from a place an hour away from my house and paying out the ass for it. No longer...
But the OP says he got 200mg x 90. How many 12mg tabs do they send out.
The 200mg tablets were HCQ, not ivermectin.
Who cares? Buy whatever you can while you can.