Patience in this community seems to be growing thinner and thinner by the day. I, like so many others, am also growing tired of waiting for the bottom to drop out of this Bidan charade. If you feel the same way I do, that is okay but please remember this:
The United States of America has always been a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
Regardless of what Trump, Q, politicians, AG's, Judges, SoS's and all the rest do, do not downplay your role individually. It is good to keep hope in our heros but don't let total dependence on them be what stops you from being that hero yourself.
Look at what we've accomplished:
- school boards have been taken over by us
- city council's have been taken over by us
- through information sharing, we have become MSMs worst nightmare
- through memes and relentless effort, we have become Big Tech's worst nightmare
- our presence at rallies, events, parades, etc (or lack thereof when appropriate) have made us the worst nightmare of RINOs, FBI and DS politicians
- we are effectively electing America-First politicians across the board, one seat at a time on all levels of government
- we have sparked more laws, policy and procedure changes in areas such as voting integrity, health, education, etc than can probably be counted.
- we have forced companies and corporations to think twice before blindly following unconstitutional and unenforceable government edicts.
And that's just a start. Compare where we are to where we were a year ago. Think of how many we have woken up along the way. And each day that passes we gain more ground and become more dangerous to the evil that thinks it controls this world- all without violence even being listed in our arsenal.
At the end of the day, we are still winning. This movement has been a true bottom-up grassroots takeover. They will never be able to take from us what we've taken back from them. Let's continue to push and take more, one day at a time until that day comes when the bottom does fall out from under them.
We have always been the most important part. Were it not so, Q would have never saw a need to make a single post in the first place. Never forget that frens.
Your honesty has been rewarded with an authentic post.
Well done, Pede.
where we go one, we go all the way.