When you reach enlightenment there is no fear fren. This battle is between good and evil. It is beyond our human capabilities, must be fought in the supernatural spiritual way.
As a seer, I have been shown the new world. God has made a covenant and it will be fulfilled. Suffering and sacrifice will be necessary but it will enlighten us all. All that is needed right now is faith, prayer and humility in the eyes of the Lord. Fear not because from the worst, the best will come.
I wish I could say it's going to get better soon but more horror must come to pass first. This is so we never forget this time....We must be able to teach the next generation of it so it is not repeated....the scars that will be left on the earth will be a reminder for all, forever.
You have been chosen for this time....few walk by faith if they can walk by sight!
When you reach enlightenment there is no fear fren. This battle is between good and evil. It is beyond our human capabilities, must be fought in the supernatural spiritual way.
As a seer, I have been shown the new world. God has made a covenant and it will be fulfilled. Suffering and sacrifice will be necessary but it will enlighten us all. All that is needed right now is faith, prayer and humility in the eyes of the Lord. Fear not because from the worst, the best will come.
I wish I could say it's going to get better soon but more horror must come to pass first. This is so we never forget this time....We must be able to teach the next generation of it so it is not repeated....the scars that will be left on the earth will be a reminder for all, forever.
You have been chosen for this time....few walk by faith if they can walk by sight!
The best is yet to come keeps me going, ALWAYS!