So if you are really still sleeping and don’t believe The Cabal Tyranny, the US Deputy Treasury Secretary tells everyone OUT LOUD that in fact either choose to vaxx or we withhold everything from you all! If you don’t think they’re trying to start a full Revolution, they sure as hell are. How we fight; not armed YET People. But We The People, all as of today should stop doing anything for the GOVERNMENTS Either! Stop their garbage pick up, plumbing, electrical, trucking, taxis/Uber, employees, analysts, security, tourism, food services to them!! If you work for them, contract for them, or do a job for them, call off sick, call off dead, do not go to work PERIOD!! They Want Do This We Do That Soft War, Then We ALL SHOULD GIVE IT TO THEM!! By Doing Nothing They Want for their business and services!! TODAY IF YOU WORK FOR THEM, YOU STOP!! AND STOP FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES!!
The US Cabal Says Today: Only If You Get Vaxxed, Will Necessities/Food Issues Be Fixed! Wow!
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
Good name.