As you can see, American citizens couldn't care less. Our military is gone and is now the General Milley woke brigade, our country is lost to trendy leftist loons, and the so called people in charge won't hold anyone accountable...
I show no respect for those trying to coerce me to kill myself. Continuing to see "rank" is a belief that has nothing to do with reality under those situations.
I understand, but we differ. I separate the rank from the person, and, by so doing, I would recognize the rank (with all due respect) then blast the person (FY). It was something I was taught shortly after joining the military and it worked well for me throughout.
He worked to hard to convince her to get the jab that day. He might have a say on the record but you're right, He's Not in the Chanin of Command and except for the medical interaction he doesn't know her. GFYM sir
As you can see, American citizens couldn't care less. Our military is gone and is now the General Milley woke brigade, our country is lost to trendy leftist loons, and the so called people in charge won't hold anyone accountable...
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people?
And, that dr would get a "with all due respect dr, FY" as I walked out.
I'd leave out the first part of that.
The first part is showing respect for the rank, that's all.
I show no respect for those trying to coerce me to kill myself. Continuing to see "rank" is a belief that has nothing to do with reality under those situations.
I understand, but we differ. I separate the rank from the person, and, by so doing, I would recognize the rank (with all due respect) then blast the person (FY). It was something I was taught shortly after joining the military and it worked well for me throughout.
He worked to hard to convince her to get the jab that day. He might have a say on the record but you're right, He's Not in the Chanin of Command and except for the medical interaction he doesn't know her. GFYM sir
This is total bull. Threatening your medical retirement unless you get a shot that DOES.NOT.WORK!
Be Brave
and another that is begging for a firing squad.