A great deal of confusion has been created, because scientists talk about the “new virus” as if they understand its structure and genetic sequence.
They’ve built a hypothetical structure, AS DATA. Nothing more. And then they gibber about what it means.
In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect. Actually, that statement is too generous. Every test result of every PCR test should be thrown out.
My understanding is that they used massively parallel sequencing.
This is like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle by taking a picture of the piles of pieces
and giving it to a computer. You don't actually put the puzzle together.
Then they created a computer generated spike formula -- a virtual spike protein --
and physically printed the mRNA that would generate it.
They inject it in you. Your body generates the synthetic spike protein and makes antibodies against it.
You don't get antibodies against the whole virus. You don't get antibodies against the real spike protein. You get antibodies against the synthesized virtual spike protein, hoping that it will stop the virus.
Correct. It can never be accurate.
ANY test must have known positive and known negative cases to test against.
They had none of the above.
Just like global warming, the claims are built of fraudulent computer models. that way the scientist can always give the overlords the answers they demand.
My aunt studies mosquitoes for a living She should have retired years ago but was working to create a definitive field guide for the government to use in the field of different species based on physical morphology ie how they look. She said the newly trained entomologists could only identify by their DNA sequences after they were ground up and it was taking to long to identify the disease carrying mosquitoes
How 'bout: "Vaccinations don't work. Everyone needs to be vaccinated!"
Hypothetical structure can't be emphasized enough. My 1st year of a Comp Sci PhD was spent in the area of bioinformatics -- the application of computer algorithms and heuristics into the assembly of hypothetical genetic sequences from segments of samples, and segments mined from genome databases.
ALL of these SARS-2 sequences are computer constructions built from the assumptions used in querying databases, like 80% similar to SARS-1. Which, in turn, has never been isolated or sequenced either (It's turtles all the way down!).