I totally understand. I just dont see how not attempting to find the root cause and trying to repeat it should be automatically a no, specific to the case of the Covid vaccines.
Given the scale, every outlier that cannot be explained could mean thousands of deaths.
There is definately more information needed. I hope there is a full video release later that will add some info. At the very least this needs investigated thoroughly to ensure no one was cutting corners to get approvals.
I suspect you didn't read it. Or you skimmed it. Or you turned your brain off and never honestly considered anything I wrote because you're not of an inclination to ever have your mind changed unless you want it to be.
It is plenty though. One outlier is absolutely a nothing burger. It's such a common thing. I don't even understand what you're imagining that could make this a big deal.
I totally understand. I just dont see how not attempting to find the root cause and trying to repeat it should be automatically a no, specific to the case of the Covid vaccines.
Given the scale, every outlier that cannot be explained could mean thousands of deaths.
There is definately more information needed. I hope there is a full video release later that will add some info. At the very least this needs investigated thoroughly to ensure no one was cutting corners to get approvals.
I just told you why several times.
I suspect you didn't read it. Or you skimmed it. Or you turned your brain off and never honestly considered anything I wrote because you're not of an inclination to ever have your mind changed unless you want it to be.
No, I understand what you wrote and it was an excellent explanation. I was not attempting to challenge your knowledge.
There is not enough information to say if what is in the video is.of great importance or if it is a nothing burger.
It is plenty though. One outlier is absolutely a nothing burger. It's such a common thing. I don't even understand what you're imagining that could make this a big deal.
There could be more than one instance, there could be many. There could be more tests conducted by others that have had the same result.
There is not enough information to know either way from the video. Not saying there is other info, but if there is we dont have it.