Pure Blood False Flags. Give me a minute to explain. Find a Jab Center in your town and sit down like your getting the jab. Have a friend video you falling out of your chair fainting. Don’t stay down to long because they’ll call 911 - get up and speak loudly that you just got the jab and don’t feel so good. Walk out. Post it. We can creat our own narrative to wake the sheeple up just like the cabal can create FF to scare us to sleep.
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Meh, we need truth. Leave the lies to Dems, Rinos, Media, Big Tech, and the medical industry.
Any lie you seed today will taint even the most believable claims you want to make in the future.
If you start acting like them, you become them.
Besides, they will find out you're not legit. And they will use you as a strawman.
We cannot become the monsters they want us to be.
Some thoughts should stay in the shower.. This was one of them
The real footage already exists, I'm sure there's a compilation somewhere on the internet, but it could only be up to date if it was updated hourly considering the number of occurances.
Do all things with integrity.
I agree that dishonesty is not the way to go. A related point, I have handed out flyers in several states- to get the "sheeple" I did my handing out at Wal-mart. I have many stories, but one that sticks out. Was outside of Memphis at a Wal-mart, one of the employees started talking with me, he is a VERY based 25y.o. (brightened my mood). Anyway, you know the jab-centers that Wal-mart sets up. They are all set up in a room that has a back-door (no matter what had to be moved). While they are giving the jabs, there is always a windowless minivan parked by that backdoor, (too take the jabbees to the hospitol. The young man (thanks Kenny) sais that is how you can tell if they are giving placebo or not; if the minivan is present!
We have enough truth to win the information war. We don’t have to resort to falsehoods like the left does
So lie and then be found out so they can use it as fodder against us when we have real examples to point at instead. Stupid idea