America began as a country intended to be for white christian males. Besides, why cant white people have their own countries?
Point out to me how people with a certain set of phenotypes are inferior to others with different phenotypes. Then point out to me how those phenotypes make them superior and or inferior. I'll wait.
Promoting Aryan superiority will find no sympathies here. I suggest
And Arabs created the math we use, and china created the gunpowder the whites used to take over America to set up a culture where only whites (and only men) were allowed to be scientists and inventors.
The conditions were created by the PTB to force that situation. America was an experiment designed to create the Machine the PTB are using to take us into eternal slavery (via the Great Reset/NWO).
You are seeing things too small. There is a much bigger picture.
a) Why do you think being out of the stone age is a good thing? Did the media tell you that? Numerous American's are trying to go more low tech. While I think the blame is misplaced (its the people behind it, not the tech itself), there is no doubt that it is High-tech that brought us the Matrix we are living in.
b) Find me an African without a cell phone. Hint: you can't.
Point out to me how people with a certain set of phenotypes are inferior to others with different phenotypes. Then point out to me how those phenotypes make them superior and or inferior. I'll wait.
Promoting Aryan superiority will find no sympathies here. I suggest
And Arabs created the math we use, and china created the gunpowder the whites used to take over America to set up a culture where only whites (and only men) were allowed to be scientists and inventors.
The conditions were created by the PTB to force that situation. America was an experiment designed to create the Machine the PTB are using to take us into eternal slavery (via the Great Reset/NWO).
You are seeing things too small. There is a much bigger picture.
a) Why do you think being out of the stone age is a good thing? Did the media tell you that? Numerous American's are trying to go more low tech. While I think the blame is misplaced (its the people behind it, not the tech itself), there is no doubt that it is High-tech that brought us the Matrix we are living in.
b) Find me an African without a cell phone. Hint: you can't.