For those of you who need the backstory ill make it quick (or you can check my post history) ...
Mandatory testing was set to begin monday using Chinese swab test. Those of us who wouldn't do that (25 or 1/3) wanted the non invasive saliva test...
Put together a presentation to the superintendent...gave it last friday...he agreed to let us use a test by made in America Abbot labs which was researched as an alternative while he looked into saliva...
Email says he has suspended testing due to start monday as he has sourced the saliva test (i provided source) and is pursuing its implementation! NO TESTING COME MONDAY!
Moral to this ongoing story.....
Have faith God will provide all you need. Little wins add up and at times the unexpected happens.
NEVER give up!
Blessings ...
Definitely a win for you, but some on this board will not be satisfied you're still allowing them to 'test' you. Be warned! They're not happy until the big victory, unaware that the big win comes from many smaller wins. Gaining ground is important, and good for you for fighting for your rights and taking this victory. May you gain further ground in the near future!
I believe that most here know that red pilling is a process. Little victories over time, sowing seeds of thought, covered with plenty of sauce will grow into doubt...there were many who saw compromise as acceptable (spit test) to buy time.....the jab is the hill chosen to die on.
Been here quite a while and agree that patience is short at this stage in the movie for the ending to get here, so frustrations are high at times. But if a drop of water over time can fill a river then our little wins can fill a mind and soul.
Thanks cheesecake....