There are many things wrong with Canada that need to be fixed (many of these same things are shared by most other countries). I list them here so readers don't think I have a blind spot for my home country:
- Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is an evil, pedophile globalist puppet
- The elections in Canada are rigged
- Trudeau actively supports the DS/NWO agenda (pro-LBGTQ, CRT, open borders, CV19 hoax, lockdowns, vax mandates, close relations with CCP, anti guns, anti-Christian, anti-Trump, etc)
- The judicial system is highly compromised
- The federal law enforcement organization, RCMP is compromised
- Regional politicians (Premiers, mayors and local MPs) are mostly controlled through rigged elections.
Here are some things that Canadians are NOT:
- We are not an "Enemy state of the USA". We have maintained (and continue to maintain strong political, economic and social relationships with the USA (over our 154 year history as a country).
- We are not a weak-minded people that don't know what is going on (yes, we have our share of sheeple here too). We are oppressed by the tyrannical NWO cabal.
- We are not pussies. There are many examples of Canadians that have stood up to the tyrants (Artur Pawlowski , James Coates and Chris Sky (and there are many others).
- We are not disloyal to the USA. We have stood by the United States throughout our history and continue to do so. The average Canadian citizen is a hard-working, tax-paying person that is bewildered by the oppressive leftist agenda that is destroying our country. We love our brothers and sisters in the USA.
- We are not the leftist lunatics and radical LBGTQ proponents that our ruling class elite are. Many of us are God-fearing Christians
Please do not say Canada is an enemy state. That is a false narrative, it is divisive and it is totally disrespectful of the millions of Canadians that are just the same as you.
I live in kanada, province starts with an o, 95 percent are sheep,everyone waitingfor the personnext to them to take off there mask. Jk im out here since beginningnever wore a mask once. But majorityareretarded pussies