Highly disturbing - Did they add tracers in the vaccines? (h/t CTH - site is being hammered, be patient)
😡 These people are sick! 🖕
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The needle on the compass for these mRNA injectoids is pointing directly to the beast system. All that is needed is the mark of the beast. Will it be the forehead or the right hand where the app is read?
You can't make this shit up.
We are so close to it this occurring, I am more amazed to why people refuse to see or believe it. It's like so many are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Never before have we had a WORLDWIDE system coming into place. What is so infuriating is hearing Christians Pooh-Pooh the possibility that this is moving into MOTB. John says it takes wisdom to discern it. And we are to pray and ask for wisdom.
Except for the global system everybody on here forgets about: mobile phones.
MOTB? help me with this.
Mark of the beast, I believe.
Hesse in Germany- Grocery stores have been given the choice to ban unvaxxed from entering. Amazing that State was the Protector of Martin Luther.
This is part of the Counter Reformation. The Roman Catholics are getting their revenge, no doubt.
That will happen with the Boosters over a period of time! They just have to accomplish more Tyranny to fully implement the Beast System
I believe you are right.