My cache contains all the basics(food, water, fuel, paper products, jars, etc.)
But what other kinds of stuff would you guys recommend getting before availability goes to 0%?
I've been trying to order any parts for my car that I might need in the next few years
Thanks in advance
Hungry people can smell food a long way away. Like a mile. I think canned goods can be eaten without cooking so they maybe safer in a situation. If you’ve ever smelled your neighbor grilling a steak you get it.
I’ve heard putting hot water/broth in a good thermos with rice can cook it without any smell. I guess a buried pit type fire with hot rocks would also help? Thoughts?
Good idea. While it might seem ridiculous, cooking food at NIGHT (late) for the next day is also recommend. Look up ‘How to build a Dakota Fire’ is worth checking out. Maximum heat and minimum smoke.
I just purchased a Solo Stove Titan. It is an outdoor device. Small but little smoke. Inexpensive as well. I live in an apartment so I figured I could stick it right out on the deck and cook.