My cache contains all the basics(food, water, fuel, paper products, jars, etc.)
But what other kinds of stuff would you guys recommend getting before availability goes to 0%?
I've been trying to order any parts for my car that I might need in the next few years
Thanks in advance
I've given this a lot of thought too. Cash on hand...hidden of course. If people run out of gasoline, having a bicycle would come in very handy. Problem I keep coming up with....depending how bad things get and for how long it lasts.....even if you are armed....I don't think there is enough firepower to keep a mob...and there will be mobs..... from taking anything they want that you have.
Small bills, it might be harder to break $100 bill than a $5 or $10 bill. Have at least 20 - $1 bills.
Ok, I don't mean to sound dumb here but won't we be under Martial Law? Won't the military be around?
Think of the scenes of BLM going through the neighbohoods breaking things up - on steroids. Nobody stopped them then...nobody's stopping them in the future in many areas. Neighborhood watches might be something - if people in neighborhoods banded together.