Secretary of Navy threatens Navy Seals ..... ummmm.... does he really think that's a good idea?
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Not only will they get fired if they don't take the jab, they will have to repay what their training cost!!!! This guy is a nut job!
Nope he is 100% sane. You are looking from the perspective of someone that should represent us and he looks nuts.
What if the goal is to weaken the military for China? Suddenly the guy is a stone cold genius!
The sheep can be told it is for; being in close quarters when training, trailing, what every. They are so used to eating shit they don’t even notice.
He is acting in behalf of our enemies. Come on out guys, we got work out here to do too. Many civilians to train.
Civvie here reporting for training! lol
Trying to learn what I can.
Not China folks! Remember the Nazi's won WW2 so the Web is bigger. What happens when an state of emergency is declared and there is no military? Think U.N that's what could happen.
iirc, there can be up to $500K involved to train a single SEAL through BUDS and then combat training, then its quite a lot to maintain them throughout their time while serving. This dipwad expects them to pay that back? I highly doubt there is anyway to enforce this.
I hope the seals don’t take the jab. Worse comes to worse they will be needed on the home front. Someone should tell Austin the money spent on the seal training is not the governments, it is ours. Our labors provide the funding.