not educated. indoctrinated. with obama's changes to student lending, there was a HUGE influx of people getting bachelors and masters in useless libart degrees. prior to then, it was very difficult to get a useless degree without mommy and daddy paying for it because lenders wouldn't pay for a subprime degree. they know those kids will never pay that back, and the default rate is 30%+ while the rest struggle to pay it with their shitty barista jobs.
not educated. indoctrinated. with obama's changes to student lending, there was a HUGE influx of people getting bachelors and masters in useless libart degrees. prior to then, it was very difficult to get a useless degree without mommy and daddy paying for it because lenders wouldn't pay for a subprime degree. they know those kids will never pay that back, and the default rate is 30%+ while the rest struggle to pay it with their shitty barista jobs.