When you take a job, there is a work contract. You will receive benefits, insurance and a rate of pay. You agree to show your educational level, certs you have, information for security clearance, and promise to comply with agreements and take proscribed training relates to your job
Now one party has ADDED a new condition, to the original terms; decades later. That is contractually void. The basic agreement is being changed. At this point, the members have the right yo refute to sign the new agreement without any punishment or fine. They did NOTHING WRONG
The Government has made a grievous violation of contract, upon all citizens
When you take a job, there is a work contract. You will receive benefits, insurance and a rate of pay. You agree to show your educational level, certs you have, information for security clearance, and promise to comply with agreements and take proscribed training relates to your job
Now one party has ADDED a new condition, to the original terms; decades later. That is contractually void. The basic agreement is being changed. At this point, the members have the right yo refute to sign the new agreement without any punishment or fine. They did NOTHING WRONG
The Government has made a grievous violation of contract, upon all citizens