My parents have officially shunned me and the middle sibling for not taking the vaccine. They've asked if we no longer contact them. "Until you get vaccinated leave us alone." I knew this day was coming so I'm a bit more mentally prepared but my brother is going off on them like an atomic bomb. Really are sad days in the midst... I pray and hope this is resolved shortly. I pray and hope we are not being conned. I pray and hope all will be well and the awakening will truly begin. Soon. Sorry for the rant, thanks for being the virtual shoulder frens..
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They are lost brother. They were not good parents or good people if they were to do this.
Harsh but true. I walked away from a 20 year friendship with a doctor who not only bought in to the whole narrative hook, line and sinker, including believing himself to be a hero for setting up a jabatoir that processed 50k jabees, but also dissed the eminently qualified scientists and doctors the world over speaking out against the scamdemic, jabs etc as “cranks”. I realised he was a soulless and fraudulent shill incapable of free or critical thinking, and considered him an enemy combatant.
I'm wondering if I won't end up having to find another doctor, as well. My PCP is generally very good about doing research after my visit, should any issue come up, and then he will even call me at home to tell me what he found out. I've always admired him for taking the time to do this, as most doctors won't.
However, he's pressed me twice now on getting the jab. Both times I've done a data dump on him of my research. He's backed off twice, now, and has admitted it's obvious that I've done my homework, but then still thinks I should get it.
I've had another doctor I go to give me the third-degree twice, as well.
I'm so fed up with this constant grilling that I'm putting my foot down, for better or worse, and not going to another doctor until this whole COVID scam has been brought out into the light of day. My trust in them has eroded to the point that I don't trust them doing anything to me.
You know what is odd about a lot of this is its not like getting a second opinion on a medical problem is a brand new idea. To the MDs pushing, I want to say, if you had a basal cell cancer on your arm, would you accept the recommendation that your arm be cut odf just to be safe? Or would you question the advice?
My sister is a doctor, she won't stop talking about how I need to get it. My doctor said I needed to get it, so I got a new doctor. She is saying I need it, so I'm looking for another one now. I'll keep getting new doctors until one tells me what I want to hear.