A lot of people have forgotten that this country wasn't founded by some deus ex force showing up and saving the day. It was founded on the ideals of individual Liberty. And these ideals came from men who had also freed themselves of mental tyranny first. They were willing to lay down their lives and stand their ground if needs be. They could have gone down in history as terrorists and radical extremists, but they did not care. You know why? Because being judged by history was irrelevant. And still is today.
A lot of faggots like to argue that it was "muh French" who saved the day. They may have given us the numbers and its possible without them the revolution would not have been successful. But here's the part they conveniently left out: the Founding Fathers had already won. They won when they no longer feared the crown. They won when they no longer cared about what their tyrannical masters were gonna try to enact. They won when they embraced "Give me Liberty or give me Death". Death was a preferred fate to slavery. And arguably still is.
So where does that leave us? Here. Now. You with your comfortably complacent lives built on mountain upon mountain of lies. If you haven't figured it out yet, our livelihoods perpetuate a Satanic system that tortures children. When you go to your 9-5 bullshit you are working to earn dollars to prop up a company to also be taxed on those dollars which gets funneled back into those companies and also gets funneled into protecting pedophile operations. Operations that are protected by the FBI, CIA and whoever else is directly involved. Unless you are an independent business that doesn't pay taxes, this is what you are perpetuating. What we all are.
So the first thing to do is to free your mind. Stop giving a shit about petty labels. Stop caring about the "right side of history". History does not have a side. It simply is. The only optics you should care about are the ones where people notice that you cannot be controlled. Nothing they do or say will stop you or change who you are. This isn't to say to become arrogant. Rather find the balance that comes from free thought and knowing truth. Your politics are not your identity and they never should be.
Next, free yourself. Start figuring out how you can ween off their system. Start figuring out how to cut your dependency. Got a nice house in a big city? Downsize and move to the country. Do you really NEED that sports car? No. Make sure you have something with at a minimum All Wheel Drive. Start learning how to supply your own food and start growing your own communities.
The military has a total of 1.2 million servicemembers. They aren't going to be swooping in and saving the day in the way you think. If you really believe that we're going to continue on with our lives as normal after this, that just isn't the case. The evil we are facing is beyond that we have ever been able to comprehend. It's imbedded in literally every aspect of our lives. This isn't something that just ends without any major issues. Yes, I hope it's easy. But I know it won't be. However the military can't save people who don't want to save themselves. We were the plan all along. The people are rising up and if the gun figures are any indication, that makes us the biggest unorganized military force in the world... ergo we are the military. Ergo WE THE PEOPLE are the plan...
You have resources and the means to survive whatever comes. Figure out what you need to do to survive and save yourself so no one else has to.
I'm 55 not a millennial. Did you even read what I said at all or just come here to insult me. Judging by your reply you did not read it and just chose to cherry pick and create a straw man argument.