posted ago by Fikkan ago by Fikkan +23 / -0

The warnings would have to be translated into proper charges since I really don't know how that works but.

Warning to all hospital employees and administration.

  1. If you insist upon this person being vaccinated against Covid-19 to qualify for treatment you will be charged with (insert proper criminal code here).
  2. If you attempt to influence this person into getting vaccinated against Covid-19, you will be charged with (insert proper criminal code here).
  3. If you place this person on forced ventilation without their willing and signed consent, you will be charged with (insert proper criminal code here. Should include attempted murder and conspiracy to commit and murder if said person dies on vent).
  4. If you deny this person to have visitors while at this hospital, you will be charged with (insert proper criminal code here).

And at the end, a full print of the Deprivation of Civil Rights Under Color of Law and all the penalties therein.