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Speakeasy was a dickhead. That fuck banned me for calling Ness a faggot after it was discovered that Ness went to Reddit to get them to flood another Q website and shill it. Uhtredragnorak was a solid dude.
I would provide you direct evidence but it’s all been deleted a long time ago. There’s sleeper shills everywhere.
Evspra broke the story and captured everything. He posted screenshots of it all, backed it with posts and time stamps. It was a pretty big uprising and the mods had a hay day over this incident. Whether anyone did or did not like Evspra isn’t really important, he proved what happened. Ness didn’t have much to say other than attempting to deny it wasn’t him. Those screen shots were pretty damning. I can attempt to contact Evspra and see if he still has it all to verify and prove what I’m saying if you’d like.
Evspra was honest and dedicated, and had a good sense of humor. His departure from this forum was an unfortunate loss.
I personally 100% agree.
Yes that is exactly what he did.
Perfectly, accurately said.
Username checks out. ;-)
Same for me with TQS, over simple differing opinions of the Q op.
Now I'm wondering why "Quila62" is shilling TQS.