Oh. Great. Here's PART DEUX, I guess. Ready? Am in Egypt, on a tour, went to the Cairo Museum of Antiquities, today. Did you know? The great King Tutankhamun died of MALARIA, something that's still a major problem in Africa. What do they sell, over the counter, for that? TAKE A WILD GUESS.
🤡 Clown World 🌎

Great king? I thought he was like 6 when he died... and isn't there evidence he was murdered?
And Ivermectin is definitely the way.
The assassins name was Mal'a'ria ... kek
KEK that one got me good
This is just blatantly false.
When they exhumed and studied his body, they found remnants of a severe infection in his leg - which had been broken a week before he died. They currently believe the infection, on top of having sickle cell, accounted for his death.
There was an earlier theory that they found bone fragments in his skull, but they later discovered that it was from how locals unwrapped the mummy which caused some breakage.
yes, akhnaten, who just looks just like BHO, and michelle resembles the mother, queen tiye