Just crunched the numbers and with the population of England and Wales being 67.1 million that means that 0.009940298507462687% died nearly a month after a positive test (this includes car accidents, suicides, heart attacks, cancer, obesity and diabetes) that week..........
Translation: "We are doing our best but we are not getting enough deaths. HELP!"
Out of a population on nearly 69 million people (that's known) 666 is nothing in a week but that had to put that number out.
Woe to you, oh Earth and Sea...
This is a middle finger to Christianity. (((They))) hate Christians.
And it is constant over here.
Do Not hide or shudder in fear.
God Wins!
Buggering boys club
Sir Jimmy Savile agrees 😉
I'm starting to think the media are watching sites like this and are now just trolling in their news reports.
Yep, it's never an accident . It's because they can.
Just crunched the numbers and with the population of England and Wales being 67.1 million that means that 0.009940298507462687% died nearly a month after a positive test (this includes car accidents, suicides, heart attacks, cancer, obesity and diabetes) that week..........