Consider this:
The EO is designed to deconstruct the United States by economic class. They are going after the working class first. It is the democidal soft-kill of the working class in America. The intention is to hobble and destabilize the entire economy. Once the working class is destroyed, and this means many businesses will perish as well, only the large international corporations will survive. It just so happens these corporations do not share our interests. Have you noticed many of the worker unions have either been silent on this issue and against their own union members? Coincidence?
Once this criteria succeeds, then the tyranny will turn to the welfare class. They will be mandated to take the vaxx or lose their welfare benefits. The police State will be used to brutally enforce ‘order’, including removing children from parents homes and jabbing them against their parents wishes. The police state will be used to prevent rioters from destroying businesses using expanded powers and the use of curfews to keep order. The George Floyd riots using the BLM and the mercenary Antifa backers provides the excuse to to impose such policies.
If welfare recipients were told to either get the COVID-19 vaxx or lose their benefits now, there would be riots in the streets the very same day.
Mandating one class of people to be vaxxed and not including another class to be mandated is discrimination and egregiously violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This is modern Jim Crow. The sooner blacks recognize this, the better chance it is for saving themselves from what is to come.
This EO directly challenges the Civil Rights Act.
The reason the EO didn't include the Welfare recipients is because government fear of riots. Does this mean welfare recipients won't be mandated? No. They are next in line.
If black America and other ethnic groups are not aware of this, they should be informed now that they're next.
Oh nope none of my family were ever in the system except my sister was when my niece was younger.
I come from my family ofsmart hard-working slightly crazy people that drank lol.
It wasn't a horrible childhood there was a lot of verbal abuse but it's what you put up with in the 70s. I came out of it all right and I brought my daughter up without that. Went to church and crossed all my t's and dotted all my eyes lol.
I was very fortunate to have good people crossing in my life that helped me on to the path that I'm on. And I do what I can when I can to help others and pay it forward.
I never suggested anything about you or your family. Bless you 🙏 I had, by what could be observed by others, a "normal", but actually very idyllic childhood. It was nothing but that under the surface. My past is squarely in my present right now and I am being tested. High on the satanic pyramid players( earthy,, non-humsne? or demon possessed) powers are trying to break me/own me. Jesus Christ is everything to me, please pray for me.
You are so blessed with your family and I will be praying for you as well, Hunny B.
I will, I have been in spiritual warfare and intercession for over 25 yrs. The last time I was called into deep intercession was before the 2016 election the 2021 election I basically was told to call for people to rise up and wake up and that's what has been happening.
I haven't had anything real specifically but if you are indeed involved in that I can certainly pray for you. I have a very high anointing and high calling this is not something I've said about myself this has been something that was prophesied over me.
So it looks like God but you in touch with the right person at the right time. My real name is Tammy honey bee is just an old screen name that I've had for a long time.
Thank you Hunny B, I can't express how I appreciate it. God bless you and your family!