A few years ago, I caught California's income tax agency overcharging taxpayers. I complained to my elected officials and Deep State employees, who told me the State will only stop overcharging if a judge orders them to. I can't afford a lawyer, so I filed a lawsuit acting as my own attorney.
Through my case, I have already gotten proof that their internal accounting ledgers are falsified to hide the overcharges. I have asked the judge to order the State to disclose the policies and procedures that led to the accounting irregularities. He makes his tentative ruling in writing on Thursday, and on Friday, we go to court to argue the matter. After the arguments, the ruling will stand or be changed based on how well we argue. If I lose, I may be penalized $6,000 for even asking for the information in the first place.
There is a lot riding on this hearing. I basically already have the body and the bullet, and I am requesting that the judge order them to hand over the smoking gun. If I win, the information exposed could be huge in the government corruption fight. If I lose, it might cost me $6k as a punishment for trying to expose the corruption.
I feel like I am being spiritually attacked hard. Please pray that:
- God protect me and my family (they are retaliatory harassing us)
- That I am focused and have energy as I prepare for my hearing
- That the judge rules in my favor
- That my oral arguments are good and theirs are not
- That, if I win, the State complies and turns over the information
I have contacted HTJA. They said it is outside their normal wheelhouse, but they'd look at it if I sent them a package of evidence. I have not sent them anything as of yet. This case is all consuming and the packages take a long time to put together since it is such a complicated issue. Sending HTJA a package is on my "to do" list.
If you want to spread the word about how corrupt our CA government is to "normies", please share this video with our fellow Californians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUenmd6YHZE&list=PLAkSTXk9sO0GfbvJOQIEOesJ-3IODh9vJ&index=10. I think it is a great "red pill" because, while taxes in of themselves may be a partisan issue, fraudulently overcharging is a non-partisan issue. It helps to open people's eyes that their beloved elected officials may not be looking out for them.