Question about Steve Bannon.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I have had a few people question me about the Steve Bannon and "build the wall" go fund me, calling him a scammer. Obviously research online was filled with mis-information (usually had nothing to do with the go fund me page), and research here, well, it's buried so deep in the archives of this website, there's no way to search it. I have organized all of my official emails in a way that maybe would work for this site. I organize them simply by month into different folders, maybe the mods can look into that for atleast older files? IDK, I'm spit ballin' here.
I follow him closely and judge him by his words and his guests who for the most part appear to be patriots; fighting for Nov. election honesty; secure boarders; and, warnings of the financial/economic dangers we are facing, etc. His daughter has referenced this site as has he once albeit it with a 'wink'