626 Great idea! Let's fight adverse vaccine events by removing the scientific papers about them! (media.greatawakening.win) ⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️ posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +626 / -0 40 comments download share 40 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Trust the science!!!!
Dr. Malone enters the chat
STOP!! There is no science behind the curtain! Just ignore the papers behind the curtain.
THAT is not science over THERE....
THIS is the only science, RIGHT HERE.....
You aren't a crazy anti-wax, science denier, right???
Are you gonna murder my gramma!!!!!!??????
Nein! You vill net go behind zie Covid-Curtain!
Dude.... why the German?? not funny...... that is too far.........
I lost a relative in a camp, FYI.........
. .
. . . . He got drunk & fell off a guard tower.