The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November is always election day every year. This is just an off-year election so it's mostly going to be gubernatorial and vacancy races.
Uh. Yes, we do. Elections are held every year for a variety of races. Every four years for president, every two years for Congress. In the years other than the general and the mid-terms, you get these off-year elections for government seats that are term expired or vacant.
The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November is always election day every year. This is just an off-year election so it's mostly going to be gubernatorial and vacancy races.
Uh. Yes, we do. Elections are held every year for a variety of races. Every four years for president, every two years for Congress. In the years other than the general and the mid-terms, you get these off-year elections for government seats that are term expired or vacant.
So, yes every year. There are elections every year. What part of that don't you get? Or do you think that "election" only means for president?