I was awake, but not on all subjects. Living in Europe, I hadn't bought into the mass-immigration in the 1990s. I observed how politicians speaking up were silenced and slandered. A few of them ended up murdered. I noticed how the media would only report on certain things, but not others.
Then along came 911 which I watched on live TV with friends. Even after the second tower was hit, a few of my friends were not convinced it was deliberate. They said it could be two accidents. (These were working on their doctorates at that time, lol. It is always the "smart" people loyal to the system who are completely surprised when anything out of the ordinary happens, or so it seems).
Anyhow, I never really fell asleep again, but I did get more awake over time. The culmination being Trump's first term and the lies. All the damn lies everywhere.
I was awake, but not on all subjects. Living in Europe, I hadn't bought into the mass-immigration in the 1990s. I observed how politicians speaking up were silenced and slandered. A few of them ended up murdered. I noticed how the media would only report on certain things, but not others.
Then along came 911 which I watched on live TV with friends. Even after the second tower was hit, a few of my friends were not convinced it was deliberate. They said it could be two accidents. (These were working on their doctorates at that time, lol. It is always the "smart" people loyal to the system who are completely surprised when anything out of the ordinary happens, or so it seems).
Anyhow, I never really fell asleep again, but I did get more awake over time. The culmination being Trump's first term and the lies. All the damn lies everywhere.