We all know this as a key quote from Q but we have to consider one thing. What kind of movie would he be referring to? It sounds like an odd question but I feel like it's something we should consider. There are many ways and methods of structuring a story and in this case, a film so we have to look at it in-depth. What I like to think Q is referring to is the Three Act Structure, also known as 'The Setup, The Confrontation and The Resolution'. Let me explain why.
2020: The Setup: I believe 2020 was in this case, the Setup. Now, I know that this whole thing has been going on for far longer than 2020 up until now but that's not what I'm referring to. 2020 is where the Deep State unleashed the Plandemic unto the world and set up the stakes as we know them. Create distrust in the Trump Administration by hyping up Trump's counter-terrorism response to be "The Beginning of World War 3", creating fear and uncertainty by manufacturing the COVID-19 pandemic, putting a dent in the economy via printing high volumes of money to "compensate" for the plandemic, creating racial, social and political unrest via the George Floyd "protests" and forcing Joe Biden into office via election fraud. It's at 2020 where most people, including me were redpilled and shown the true nature of things. It's where people started paying attention and began watching the movie.
2021: The Confrontation: This is where things have started to get hotter and this could be the stage we're at. 2021 has been a point of escalation. January 2021 is a key month here because this has been as we all know, where Biden was swore in as a false president and where the January 6th false flags took place. But this is also where our side also did some key things such as, kickstart the Arizona Audits, get legislation in certain states which where key to stunting vaccine passports and mandates. I believe 2021 was where our side of this war made some pretty big advances against the Deep State. But I think if what I'm thinking could be true, we could be looking at the beginning of the next stage come Mid-winter or so.
2022: The Resolution? Okay, I just want to preface this with a huge disclaimer. I am not a miracle worker, my word isn't gospel and it should probably be taken with a grain of salt. I know I'm probably gonna get a small group of people telling me that I'm datefagging. I do not know the future, none of us do. This is just my thoughts and views on what I think could be happening, not what is happening. At this point in time, we are seeing what could be the setup for the next stage, the next act if you will. As we know, the US and UK economy are projected to crash HARD and that the UK might be seeing an energy crisis. This is what I think Biden meant by him saying "We're in for a Dark Winter" and this is where I think things are going to start crashing down. The implications of an economic crash in a time like this are pretty big and chaos would most likely arise, I think this is the ideal climate for our side to advance. To reform our society, it means tearing down the corruption from within. Big Pharma, Big Tech, everything. It won't happen immediately, but I believe it will happen. We could be in for a Dark Winter but to find light, you have to wade through darkness.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Let me know down below, I'm pretty open to hear your thoughts on this. I know this analysis probably isn't very good and I'm probably gonna get ripped a new one in the comments so I'm willing to hear where I went wrong. Hope this gave you something to think about.
I like your point of view. We will see what happens.