I didn't ask you to watch the vid... I asked you to compare the the shot in NY Post photo in the article and the shot in the video that shows the same side perspective of the auditorium.
Why are you even wasting your time trying to make a point without having looked at the link that shows the room before the stage was extended forward (and that refutes your rejection of the room being the same because the South Auditorium in the EEOB is three tiered.)
I have no clue what your are trying to prove with the link to the Kennedy Center and photos of the auditoriums there. It is ludicrous.
In the photo and the link to the vid provided, compare the type of carpet, the color of the carpet, compare the paint on the walls, compare exactly were the audience floor elevation risers are located, compare the type and color of permanent seats (remaining after the stage extension) in the NY times photo and the seats in the shot from the video before the stage was extended. They are all exactly the same minus the seats removed to accommodate the stage extension (with the faux wood flooring).
Look just above the head of the SS agent in the NY Post photo and you can make out something that looks like a small dark square on the wall... it is also in the same spot in the video that shows this segment of the wall... as well as its relationship to the hand rail, and the visible handrail in both shots is also exactly the same type and in the same location in both shots.
What does bringing in folding chairs have anything to do with whether or not these are both the same room?
Just admit you are wrong, move on, and quit wasting everyone's time.
Sorry Hugh...
I didn't ask you to watch the vid... I asked you to compare the the shot in NY Post photo in the article and the shot in the video that shows the same side perspective of the auditorium.
Why are you even wasting your time trying to make a point without having looked at the link that shows the room before the stage was extended forward (and that refutes your rejection of the room being the same because the South Auditorium in the EEOB is three tiered.)
I have no clue what your are trying to prove with the link to the Kennedy Center and photos of the auditoriums there. It is ludicrous.
In the photo and the link to the vid provided, compare the type of carpet, the color of the carpet, compare the paint on the walls, compare exactly were the audience floor elevation risers are located, compare the type and color of permanent seats (remaining after the stage extension) in the NY times photo and the seats in the shot from the video before the stage was extended. They are all exactly the same minus the seats removed to accommodate the stage extension (with the faux wood flooring).
Look just above the head of the SS agent in the NY Post photo and you can make out something that looks like a small dark square on the wall... it is also in the same spot in the video that shows this segment of the wall... as well as its relationship to the hand rail, and the visible handrail in both shots is also exactly the same type and in the same location in both shots.
What does bringing in folding chairs have anything to do with whether or not these are both the same room?
Just admit you are wrong, move on, and quit wasting everyone's time.