DWACU https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacu
Born on 9/3/2021 Stock price $10.17
DWACW https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacw
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $0.51
DWAC https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwac
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $10.50
TMTG is not publicly traded. They are doing a reverse merger - buying a company already listed in order to make themselves public. At some point they could change the ticker, but for now DWAC will be the way to trade TMTG. Get your orders in. The stock has major explosive potential and growth potential over the long term if we are all in on Q, which I am.
Correct the way I understand it as well. It’s some point DWAC will just change the name to TMTG, probably near launch of social platform
And split.I need to dig into DWAC a bit more.
There’s lots of news on it today. 3 halts on trading today. Soft launch of social platform in November, full roll out early next year