I'm trying not to worry too much or stress myself, as I know it will make it worse. I've been "fully" jabbed since early July, and since then I've been taking NAC, D3, Zinc, C and Quercetin religiously. I did just run out of Quercetin this week though. I started feeling bad at work yesterday, got worse as the day went on and I woke up throughout the night feeling the worst I've felt so far. Fever, runny nose, very tight and sharp pains in my chest. It feels like I'm breathing through a coffee straw. My sister has some Ivermectin, so I plan on reaching out to her once I'm done with this update. The weather here in NC has been very crazy too, with daily temps of 40 degrees in the morning to just below 80 in the afternoon. Anyway, I will say I've been much sicker than this before, as I had pneumonia as a teen.. But right now, I'm getting a little concerned with the "lung squeeze" I'm experiencing. I will NOT, however, be going to the hospital. I've already made it known, if I ever get super sick anytime soon and get taken there, absolutely no remdesivir. I think I've detailed everything, but if I think of anything else I'll comment. Just wanted to provide details from first hand experience. Will keep y'all up to date!
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This is good advice and I cannot stress enough, the importance of having a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen as well as using nebulized H2O2. If anything is going to get you, it's going to be the pneumonia.
I got a pulse ox from my local walgreens and I'd suggest doing the same so you can have it immediately. If your numbers are in the 90's, you're doing good, but when you get to 85 and below, you get into organ damage territory.
My entire family all got covid recently at the same time. Sept. 24 was day one. We were all doing fine, taking our C,D, zinc, quercitin, etc, my mother had asked me to buy her a pulse ox around six days into it, and she was floating anywhere from 89-93.
A few days later, my mom just seemed in really bad shape all of the sudden and I checked her pulse ox, it was 77, so my father and I rushed her to the hospital. It turned out she had silent pneumonia in both lungs.
She was in the ICU for 8 days on nasal oxygen and in really bad shape the whole time. They gave her steroids to reduce lung inflammation, dexo-something (dexmorphone?) to prevent blood clots, and then remdesivir, all of which causes liver damage. My mother initially refused the remdesivir, because she knew how bad it was (my whole family lurks here on GA). The hospital called me to let me know about it and told the both of us that she would die without it. I asked about other treatments, like ivermection, monoclonal antibodies, and nebulized hydrogen peroxide, but they said they wouldn't treat her unless it was with remdesivir and unfortunately my mom just gave up and went along with it.
Back at home, my ivermectin from valleyvet finally arrived, so my father and I started the first day of the i-mask+ protocol from covid19criticalcare. The next day however, my dad was in really bad shape. It turned out he had silent pneumonia in both lungs as well. His voice was hoarse and could barely speak. He had an unsteady gait and seemed slightly delirious. I checked his ox pulse and it was 75, so I had to take him to the hospital.
They put him on a BPAP machine and gave him the same treatment as my mother, only more of it. With the mask on, his numbers would stay in the 90's, but the moment they took it off, it crashed into the 30's. He hung on for four days, until the treatments destroyed his liver. They tried putting him on dialysis, but his body rejected it. I ended up losing my father early last week :(
While my parents were in the hospital, I myself starting having breathing issues, lung squeeze, worrying pulse ox numbers, around 83-85.
Thanks to the advice I read from another GA user, I think I was able to keep myself out of the hospital. The advice said to lay in bed in the prone position (face down). It helps get oxygen to the back half of your lungs. Doing that for 10 minutes or so, my numbers got back into the low 90's and it felt like I could breath easier and deeper. I kept doing that every time my numbers got low.
Anyways, my mother somehow pulled through and was released home on a nasal oxygen generator. My dad passed in the hospital a couple days later. The i-mask+ protocol completely cleared my covid after 3 days of use bar a lingering cough and not being able to take deep breaths.
It wasn't until the end of our ordeal when I learned about using nebulized hydrogen peroxide. I ordered a mesh nebulizer and a bottle of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Following the protocols a GA user had linked, which was 3ml of normal saline and 1ml H2O2, all my respiratory issues cleared up, and my mother was able to stop using her oxygen machine, and her numbers are staying consistently in the mid 90's.
I apologize for the long winded and probably off topic response, I just wanted to share my experiences, and reinforce the advice people are giving here.
Thanks to you guys here at GA, I truly believed y'all have been saving lives, myself and my mother included.
My one wish is that I learned about the hydrogen peroxide thing earlier. Maybe my family could've avoided this tragedy.
-Get a mesh nebulizer with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and some normal saline to dilute it with.
-Try to get ivermectin if you can, I was able to get durvet durmectin through valleyvet.com and followed the protocols for my situation at covid19criticalcare.com
-Take your vitamins.
-Lay in the prone position to help alleviate respiratory problems and oxygenate your blood.
-Research everything you can and do what you can to stay out of the hospital, because they will try to kill you there.
So sorry to read about your dad, but I appreciate you posting this vital information for us.
I was able to use home made colloidal silver in a nebulizer in place of hydrogen peroxide. I went from feeling like my lungs had a weight and hard to breathe to being normal again within an hour of treatment. It's not just me but my wife also experienced the same relief. Our cases were a year apart but symptoms and treatment the same.
Early treatment is the key. Start treating the moment you feel it in your lungs. Treatment is easy, just breathe the silver as deeply into lungs as possible using big breaths for 2 to 5 minutes. As much as you can stand. Repeat again 15 minutes later until symptoms go away. Silver works fast!
Also, silver used as saline spray in the sinus can stop most colds and post nasal drips in their tracks. Early treatment is best. Just use as nose spray 5 shots each sinus until you feel it run down into your throat.
I used to get hit heavy every year with post nasal, but have not had it one time since I started using silver 7 years ago.
So sorry for the loss of your dad.