I'm trying not to worry too much or stress myself, as I know it will make it worse. I've been "fully" jabbed since early July, and since then I've been taking NAC, D3, Zinc, C and Quercetin religiously. I did just run out of Quercetin this week though. I started feeling bad at work yesterday, got worse as the day went on and I woke up throughout the night feeling the worst I've felt so far. Fever, runny nose, very tight and sharp pains in my chest. It feels like I'm breathing through a coffee straw. My sister has some Ivermectin, so I plan on reaching out to her once I'm done with this update. The weather here in NC has been very crazy too, with daily temps of 40 degrees in the morning to just below 80 in the afternoon. Anyway, I will say I've been much sicker than this before, as I had pneumonia as a teen.. But right now, I'm getting a little concerned with the "lung squeeze" I'm experiencing. I will NOT, however, be going to the hospital. I've already made it known, if I ever get super sick anytime soon and get taken there, absolutely no remdesivir. I think I've detailed everything, but if I think of anything else I'll comment. Just wanted to provide details from first hand experience. Will keep y'all up to date!
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I suspect, this same priming reaction may happen in the vaccine and if you wanted to really fight it. Ask the vax makers about the TH2 response, if you mention ADE they will shirk you off because it was “another, unknown reaction”. ADE does happen but it’s very specific in vaccine studies. These makers know all those reactions intimately because they work directly with them. They know them better than anyone.
Who is that doctor who keeps harping about ADE? He in my opinion, this vax maker guy from the UK is paid opposition because he didn’t even quote the ferret study correctly and started ppl down this path of ADE? He knows it was TH2. I Working today but if these online warriors want to really hit back at these people hard you would call out your paid shills. It’s not ADE. It’s very fucking clear in the study and super easy to pull up. I will get that study and point it out and also I pulled down every single vax study and can point out how they specifically mentioned “only TH1 was noted” that shit pissed me off so much that I haven’t been able to talk about it until now.
Believe me or not, but if any of you do your due diligence at all, and you value clarity? Pull out the ferret study —->TH2 response and hit them with that! I can prove the priming response but if you get caught up in the CIA paid shill ADE but I can’t help you and will go back into hiding.
Also tell those fuckers to prescribe cod liver oil with their vaccines and you can expect that innate immune response to disappear. That’s for those who must get the vaccine. And for everyone else: humans evolved on fish and shellfish, we started farming so the fats changed. It’s an essential fatty acid and nutritional information is the first place they targeted as it creates all types of disease manifestations.
Your body can’t make the omega three fatty acids in fish, and only a handful of nuts and seeds provide it like walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
Without these fats our bodies go down these alternative pathways of inflammation. Allergies and asthma are the result of this fatty acid deficiency. That and fiber losses in our diets.
Americans have two major nutritional deficiencies and they are a mega three fatty acids and insoluble fiber.
I’m happy to patiently teach this because my heart is overwhelmed in seeing the faith of people on this board to share health information against this bioweapon.
They’ve kept this information from you. Get out and take fish oil and get a good psyllium supplement to reset your immune response and it begins in the gut!! I can teach more on this later, and will follow up with any responses later in the day. God bless