They probably would have just edited it anyway. Because there is no way they would actually present both sides of something. It's always, "this is what we tell you it is and you are stupid if you even think it could be otherwise."
I can't wait for their faux air of authority to be revealed to those still asleep. I know it's happening more and more but they are still too bold and smug. They will probably be arrogant and deny any wrong doing until the bitter end.
The way she said it too. So condescending. I hate their attitude as they only lie through their teeth. Never will they speak any truth.
He should have asked her to produce evidence it was legit. Cos the first forensic audit shows otherwise.
They probably would have just edited it anyway. Because there is no way they would actually present both sides of something. It's always, "this is what we tell you it is and you are stupid if you even think it could be otherwise."
I can't wait for their faux air of authority to be revealed to those still asleep. I know it's happening more and more but they are still too bold and smug. They will probably be arrogant and deny any wrong doing until the bitter end.
It is in them to lie continually, there is no truth in them. You can't speak what you don't havenv