Seattle is booming. Underneath those ideas are roses sprouting breaking such concrete ideas. Currently I see it thriving. Many Karen's here. Many bill gates buddies
It turns into what all super liberal cities have become—dystopias with radically rich in their penthouses and gated communities and dirt poor living in the streets, drugged up and filthy. The rich will even eat lunch on the street next to a sleeping bum who urinated on the street tree. The middle class can’t afford to live there, nor do they want to. Every good person I know has fled Seattle and Portland for rural areas or red states.
Seattle is booming. Underneath those ideas are roses sprouting breaking such concrete ideas. Currently I see it thriving. Many Karen's here. Many bill gates buddies
It turns into what all super liberal cities have become—dystopias with radically rich in their penthouses and gated communities and dirt poor living in the streets, drugged up and filthy. The rich will even eat lunch on the street next to a sleeping bum who urinated on the street tree. The middle class can’t afford to live there, nor do they want to. Every good person I know has fled Seattle and Portland for rural areas or red states.
Watch SEATTLE IS DYING if you have yet to see it.
What I grapple with - us God gave me the ability to know this was all coming. That worse is coming after that.
We have to learn to thrive and guide anyone and everyone we can during the decline.
Have any ideas? I really don't care about money. Unfortunately maybe I should have as it's a means to more.