Why do you need a bill? Once they are dropped off somewhere they are no longer under federal authority. Each state can transport them anywhere (or arrest and deport since they broke the law and there illegally. How about the very blue west coast..... I'd love to see Pelosi with her broom chasing illegals off her estate....in front of cameras.... to show the world her hypocrisy. Or Portland for or against BLM & Antifa.
Why do you need a bill? Once they are dropped off somewhere they are no longer under federal authority. Each state can transport them anywhere (or arrest and deport since they broke the law and there illegally. How about the very blue west coast..... I'd love to see Pelosi with her broom chasing illegals off her estate....in front of cameras.... to show the world her hypocrisy. Or Portland for or against BLM & Antifa.