La Quinta Columna (Scientists from Spain) is reporting some people are starting to vomit blood after the Covid jab. They think it may be due to low platelets, mico-clots and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, or other reasons.
I read an article about this. THEORY: After the jab, people will start bleeding. Bad optics to admit this is a consequence of the Covid jab, so bleeding will be blamed on the Marburg Virus, which is really not present. I don't know how true this is, but it sounds plausible.
The Deep State will say it's due to a new pandemic, the Marburg Virus (Similar to the Ebola virus which causes hemorrhaging). They have already made a Marburg virus PCR test and the "Marburg Vaccine".
GAVI/GATES: The next pandemic: Marburg? 22 April 2021 – by Priya Joi
Some say the deep state will blame the bleeding is due to the Marburg Virus instead of the Covid jab, creating a new state of panic for their next pandemic.
Be wary.
Hematemesis is the vomiting of blood. The source is generally the upper gastrointestinal tract, typically above the suspensory muscle of duodenum.
MORE BLEEDING: Reports of babies having pulmonary hemorrhaging. Common factor: mom jabbed during pregnancy or jabbed and breastfeeding.