Shooting down the lens of the camera... have you never watched Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry? Or any of the other thousands of Western, War or Cops and Robber movies that Hollywood has made that typically show the barrel of the gun pointing right down the center of the camera lens?
Typically the DP and or the director are just off to the side of the camera itself depending on where the viewfinder is located.
Keep in mind this is a Western, using vintage or maybe poorly made replicas. Guns can and will explode sometimes by the sheer force - I highly recommend you watch this video of a Barrett 50 Cal. almost killing the operator.
We still don’t know exactly what happened but any number of things could easily explain what did, the blank exploded sending a big enough fragment toward going through the camera killing the DP and sending camera pieces, “shrapnel” flying injuring the Director. The gun explodes sending a fragment flying forward and still sends enough gun fragment(s) shrapnel hitting the director off to the side.
I highly doubt Baldwin opened fire with intent to kill Hutchins. This community that I call home has a fantastic way of going off the rails with conspiracy theories every once in a while. Is Alec a piece of shit, yes. But Baldwin intentionally killing Hutchins is a little too far fetched in this case.
RIP to the young lady. Guns anywhere, especially old ones used as a prop in a Western are no joke and should be treated with extra caution because they can and will injure or kill.
This, most likely. No conspiracy, just pure stupidity. Hollywood has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for quite some time now.
As for her being an "investigative journalist" - she most likely graduated from a Soros-funded "journalism university" in the Ukraine in the early 2000s, and was later recruited by the globohomo media to work on anti-Russian articles and documentaries. Fits right in with her later career in Hollywood.
Shooting down the lens of the camera... have you never watched Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry? Or any of the other thousands of Western, War or Cops and Robber movies that Hollywood has made that typically show the barrel of the gun pointing right down the center of the camera lens?
Typically the DP and or the director are just off to the side of the camera itself depending on where the viewfinder is located.
Keep in mind this is a Western, using vintage or maybe poorly made replicas. Guns can and will explode sometimes by the sheer force - I highly recommend you watch this video of a Barrett 50 Cal. almost killing the operator.
We still don’t know exactly what happened but any number of things could easily explain what did, the blank exploded sending a big enough fragment toward going through the camera killing the DP and sending camera pieces, “shrapnel” flying injuring the Director. The gun explodes sending a fragment flying forward and still sends enough gun fragment(s) shrapnel hitting the director off to the side.
I highly doubt Baldwin opened fire with intent to kill Hutchins. This community that I call home has a fantastic way of going off the rails with conspiracy theories every once in a while. Is Alec a piece of shit, yes. But Baldwin intentionally killing Hutchins is a little too far fetched in this case.
RIP to the young lady. Guns anywhere, especially old ones used as a prop in a Western are no joke and should be treated with extra caution because they can and will injure or kill.
This, most likely. No conspiracy, just pure stupidity. Hollywood has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for quite some time now.
As for her being an "investigative journalist" - she most likely graduated from a Soros-funded "journalism university" in the Ukraine in the early 2000s, and was later recruited by the globohomo media to work on anti-Russian articles and documentaries. Fits right in with her later career in Hollywood.