posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +86 / -0

The judge denied my request that he order California's income tax agency disclose their internal policies and procedures that lead to the overcharging of taxpayers. He essentially said that he has enough evidence and doesn't need to see any more.

The judge also denied the income tax agency's request to penalize me $6,000 for asking for that information in the first place.

While I am sad that the information won't be disclosed, I am not surprised. As I said in the last post, I already have the dead body and the bullet, and I was asking for the smoking gun. I knew it was unlikely that the judge, who works for the State of CA, would order the State of CA to turn over damning information.

And I am so grateful that I won't be punished for asking. Thank you for the prayers, you all! I believe all the prayer cover worked with the penalty issue!

Edit to add: I was feeling spiritually attacked before I posted that prayer request here a few days ago. After you all started praying for me, I felt a lot more peace. :)